"Plumbed," 2023 Rash Award for Poetry, Finalist, Broad River Review.
"Rocking," 2021 Kakalak, Honorable Mention.
"Shedding Lies," 2021 Randall Jarrell Contest, Finalist.
“Blue Bloods,” 2017 Kakalak, Honorable Mention.
“Deconstructing Goldilocks," First Prize, and “Rite of Passage,” Third Prize, 2017 Sidney Lanier Poetry Competition, Lanier Library, Tryon, North Carolina.
“A Triptych on the First Anniversary of My Mother’s Death,” 2013 Rash Award for Poetry, First Place, Broad River Review.
“A Thin Place,” 2012 On the Same Page Literary Festival Page Crafter Prize, Third Place, Poetry, West Jefferson (NC) Arts Council.
“Porch Rhapsody.”2009 Janet B. McCabe Poetry Prize. Honorable Mention, Ruminate.
“Spent.” 2009 Poetry Council of North Carolina’s James Larkin Pearson for Free Verse and Experimental Form, Third Place.
"A Litany for Ancestor Wisdom." Friends Journal, June-July, 2023.
"Trembling Earth." Salvation South. June 3, 2023.
"Open Heart." The Great Smokies Review, Spring 2023.
"In Time, Everything Rises." Heimat Review, Spring 2023.
"A Strange Land." Autumn Sky Poetry Daily. March 10, 2023.
"While Waiting for Heart Surgery." Stone Poetry Quarterly, November, 2022.
"Red Tide" and "On My Granddaughter’s 18th Birthday." Delta Poetry Review, Autumn 2022.
"The Heart Unfurled." The Bluebird Word, September 27, 2022.
"Sabbath Outing." Salvation South, September 15, 2022.
"Crop Dusters." Susurrus: A Literary Arts Magazine of the American South, Summer 2022.
"Gifts At My Back Door." Bearings Online, January 4, 2022.
"Homage to David Drake, the Potter Poet." The Great Smokies Review, Spring 2021.
"Dust to Dust." Pensive: A Global Journal of Spirituality & The Arts, 2021.
"Scientific Marvel." Minnow Literary Magazine. Fall 2021.
"Stomping Grounds." The Blue Mountain Review, February, 2021.
​"Elegy for My Childhood Trees," "Night View from a Bedroom Window," "Breakers," and "Living Room." Leaping Clear, Spring 2020.
“Birding at Lemon Bay.” Untold Volumes, Christian Feminism Today, June 9, 2019.
“Vigils.” The Great Smokies Review, Spring 2019.
“Deconstructing Goldilocks.” One, Issue 17: January 15, 2019.
“Glenmary Sister.” Untold Volumes, Christian Feminism Today, January 13, 2019.
“Heading for Home.” The Great Smokies Review, Spring 2018.
“Respite.” Friends Journal, May 2018.
“Hopscotch.” The Great Smokies Review, Spring 2016.
"Home Movies." The Great Smokies Review, Spring 2010.
"Harbingers." Suisun Valley Review. 2023.
"Mirror, Mirror" and "The World Awaits." OFFERINGS: A Spiritual Poetry Anthology from Tiferet Journal, 2022.
"If You Knew Then" and "Night Visitor." County Lines: A Literary Journal, 2022.
"Peeling at the Pale Green Line." Kakalak, 2022.
"Big Glassy Trail" and "If I am Truthful." Willows Wept, Fall 2022.
"Frozen Music." Tipton Poetry Journal, Summer 2022.
"Let’s Meet." San Pedro River Review, Fall 2022.
"Make It a Good Day" and "Bewitched." Hermit Feathers, 2022.
"Shedding Lies." Atlanta Review, Spring/Summer 2022.
"Lockdown" and "The Chair." Typehouse, 2022.
"Rocking" and "A Year in the Garden Hamlet." Kakalak, 2021.
"It Seemed Like a Good Idea" and "a god of little things." OFFERINGS: Poems Written During Tiferet Journal’s Spiritual Poetry Course Volume II, Raquel Solomon, Ed, 2021.
"Snapper Head Bait & Tackle." Kakalak, 2020.
"Jacob’s Pillow." The Rose in the World, December, 2020.
"Homage to the Least." Channel, October 2020. Listen on YouTube.
"A Blues Blessing." The Rose in the World, September, 2020.
"Feast on These Things." Presence: An International Journal of Spiritual Direction, December 2019.
“Sacred Lineage.” Ekphrastic 2018, New Bern, NC: Craven Arts Council & Gallery, 2018.
“Bobwhites.” Kakalak, 2018.
“Application.” Kestrel: A Journal of Literature and Art, Summer 2018.
“Blue Bloods.” Kakalak, 2017.
“Steady Walkers.” Kakalak, 2017.
“Amends.” Kakalak, 2016.
“Hooked.” Kakalak, 2015.
“A Triptych on the First Anniversary of My Mother’s Death.” Broad River Review, Spring 2013.
“Promise.” eno, Duke University Nicholas School of the Environment, Spring 2013.
“Porch Rhapsody.”Ruminate, Fall, 2009.
“Spent.” Bay Leaves, 2009.
“Persona.” Clothes Lines, ed. by Celia H. Miles & Nancy Dillingham, 2009.
“Designer Original.” Hungryhearts, Praise Twice: Prays Twice. Winter, 2009.
“Ferns.” Mountain High: A Poetry & Prose Anthology, 2008.
“Refusal to Play” and "Invocation." Ascent Aspirations Magazine: Anthology Five. Spring 2008.
“Reminder.” Alive Now, Nov./Dec. 2007.
“Grace.” Sand, Sea & Soil: A Poetry & Prose Anthology, 2007
“Handmaiden’s Joy.” Alive Now, Nov./Dec. 2006.