Photo Credit:
Ellie Navarro Photography
Welcome to this virtual home, a place where visitors -- friends and newcomers alike -- will find inspiration, information, and a few surprises along the way.
Your journey, like mine, may include writing, teaching, nourishing the community where you live, or discerning a spiritual call.
You may be in the midst of a major life transition, searching for a deeper role/soul connection, or seeking respite from your work and service in the world.
Whoever and wherever you are, may these pages lift, bless, and delight as you explore their contents. Thanks for stopping by.
Learn more about me, read some of my writings, check out happenings, take a peek at some reflections from my spiritual journey, and feel free to get in touch.
Listen to the More Than Your Age podcast featuring an interview with Karen about Circle of Trust retreats, poetry and embracing one's age.